Tja, wie das halt so ist … für diese Seite fehlte mir bisher die Zeit.
I’m sorry … but I just couldn’t find the time to finish this site. Coming soon …
Home World Diaries South Africa Johannisburg 2008 1st Sunday
1st Saturday 1st Sunday 2nd Weekend
© Design by Dirk Meyer, 2012
Safari Park - run with the lions

After having seen how the people living here, I used the chance to see some local nature. Well, as far as it is possible. There was a safari trip available. As I figured out later this year, the trip was quite cheap in comparison with any offered safari from Cape Town. We drove to a safari park. Within the car we were driving through the caged areas for the lions, leopards, zebras and springboks. We saw white lions and were lucky with the ‘standard’ ones, as they got there food for this month (eating ones every thirty days is nothing for me.)
Cultural village

The next trip was a cultural trip. We went to a cultural village, in which people present the culture of the different South African tribes, how they lived, how they danced and what they ate … and still eat, if it is affordable.
Here I tried for the first time crocodile meat and South African porridge … the big difference between the South African and the British is, that the British once is the oat based breakfast dish, we would call ‘Haferbrei’. Whilst the South African is gluten free. It is a grounded maize dish, which looks like finely mashed potatoes.
Well, this was only the second half of the first weekend. If you mist the first one, please click ‘previous’.
After watching the different animal areas we came to a rest area for humans. Here were wooden umbrellas setup and families were barking next to it with there cars and were braaiing. A small tribune was set up for a guy giving a snake show. They also asked for volunteers who should run with a cheetah. Although they got
loads of metres less to run as a bonus, they had no chance. For children they had setup a small cage where they could petting baby lions.