Tja, wie das halt so ist … für diese Seite fehlte mir bisher die Zeit.
I’m sorry … but I just couldn’t find the time to finish this site. Coming soon …
Here are pictures from a township we just passed: The houses are poorly protected against the weather, no electricity is available (well, they hijack it from the nearest street lamps) and toilets are available only as outside versions. The houses are designed to be simple and small, as the former workers shouldn’t come with the whole family. Nowadays, whole families living in them and the government started to modernize the buildings.
During the apartheid, I’ve learnt, the black population was not allowed to live in Johannesburg. They were needed as cheap workers, e.g. in the gold mines around the city but they were forced to live in so-called townships. One of the most famous ones is SoWeTo … which is just the abbreviation for ‘South West Township’. The township is famous as it is the township where Nelson Mandela and two other people who got the World Peace Nobel Price, where born or living. Also nowadays it is dangerous for white people to enter these town ships, you should only do it in the more wealthier once and only with a local who knows the area. We were lucky and had such a guide. He took as to the Soweto township; which by the way shows impressively that a township is not necessarily comparable with a ghetto, where the people are poor in.
Nowadays South Africa takes efforts to improve the comfort in the townships as the townships are the homes for millions of black families.
And here on the contrary are pictures from Soweto itself. Considering the B&B and the villa like housings it is not hard to imagine this as a ‘normal’ neighbourhood.
Actually the weekend is not at its end but my website requires a new site. So lets continue there.