Home World Diaries South Africa Cape Town 2008 Week 9 Part 1
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© Design by Dirk Meyer, 2012
comforting. So I mainly needed to make the decision whether that it is something interesting for me. So I decided I do a paragliding jump first. If that is okay, I can take the next step. The paragliding was offered in the afternoon from Lion’s head including a landing at Camps Bay beach.

While Monique was still in South Africa, she went to a sky dive. We watched that movie in the school and most of the people were quite surprised how easy that looked. With this I was already thinking for a while to also do a sky dive. However, to me the video didn’t look that  
Mzolis Township

The school advertised an original African braai with the black population in a township. That was a chance we didn’t want to miss. It happened on a Friday and we were guided buy our already well-known trip organizer. We arrived after a while of driving in the Mzolis township. Also this as all other townships I’d visited is a more wealthy one and thus less dangerous for white people. The braai happened in a ‘restaurant’ which was a simple building hosting a butchery. Along with the building a sheltered seating area was available. Some people had driven there cars with the boot open to the seating area and were playing back African music. At one time some guys also started to perform a kind of dance.
After a while we decided to have a look around in the township. We met some children playing soccer but soon went back, as we didn’t feel that safe on our own.
Oh … before I forget: It was definitely worth the trip, the Sky Dive could come.
Actually the week is not at its end but my website requires a new site. So lets continue there.