Home World Diaries South Africa Cape Town 2008 Week 8
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© Design by Dirk Meyer, 2012
Beach time

This weekend is considered as a relaxing one. No big journeys, no special places to visit. We just went to the beach. Which one, well Camps Bay of course. It is easy to reach … 5 Rand for the minibus or 1 hour walking along the coast line and through Clifton. I did the second to come to the beach. It’s great weather and so much fun to slowly work along the road and enjoying the time. (You definitely so much more than while you’re lying at the beach.)
At the beach I met Song and over guys from the school and their dorm mates. We had a great time. For the way back, however, I took the minibus.

After my more or less successful tries of surfing at the Llandudno beach, I’d booked a surfing one day training course. The weather was extremely cold for South Africa. We went to the north of South Africa (Atlantic; colder water as well, but less sharks). We changed at the beach and it took me a good deal to get used to the twelve degrees water temperature. Yes, I definitely had a wet suit on… but first time letting water filling the suit keeps a challenge. It took me 15 minutes to get used to the temperatures as also the wind was cold and enough to let you freeze even more than in the water. So I followed the old water polo rule, better move to keep warm than taking a break.
At lunch time we went back to the beach to enjoy some snacks. Not without having put some T-Shirt or pullover on the wetsuit. After lunch we went back and the cold period in the water started again. I managed to surf quite a lot of times, definitely much more often than in Llandudno. I only finished after about three additional hours of practising whilst everybody else already gave up because of the temperatures.
Oh, and because I had no water proof camera with, I can’t show you any pictures here. (I really should look more after my camera. I only took five pictures this week. It must be boring for it.)
Mirjams Farewell

There is one tradition we are sticking to: Whenever a student is leaving, whether he/she was here for two weeks or two years, we are celebrating it. Either at Longstreet in the Dubliners or at Primi Piatti. And today it was Mirjams farewell. She goes home to Switzerland at the weekend after still needs to say farewell to loads of friends, room mates, teachers …. But today we had a great time.