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© Design by Dirk Meyer, 2012
Boston Tea Party /
Bostoner Teeparty

2011/07/01 - 2011/07/03
Originally we wanted to go to Boston already a week earlier but it didn’t work out… Well, so we went on the very weekend of the Independence Day to the very town were the history happened. Lucky us because they celebrated this event with a big harbor ceremony.
Coming soon…
Arrival and broken bed /
Ankunft und ein kaputtes Bett

We booked a hotel via Internet and traveled via Peter Pan bus. At the bus station we changed to the subway of Boston… To avoid any comparison with Braunschweig, I better define it as a little slow and traditionally designed. Also the ventilation system is interesting so see. Well, better judge on your own:
Actually the month is not at its end but my website requires a new site. So lets continue there.
Tja, der Monat hat zwar erst angefangen, aber mehr geht hier nicht auf die Website drauf. Deshalb geht’s auf der nächsten Seite weiter.
Coming soon…
After arriving in the hotel … ‘no, we don’t need a garage for a car’ … we experienced a lower quality of hotel furniture. As I was slipping into my bed, my bed decided to give up the weight it is holding. My first idea of going to the gym was born. Well, I got another room and as they didn’t repair the bed the next two days, I asked for a refund in the end.
Arrival and broken bed /
Ankunft und ein kaputtes Bett

Coming soon…
Coming soon…